My Ocean

My Ocean
By: Megan Taitague
I offer you my bruises
to feed the fish
I offer you my energy
to feed the coral
I offer you my soul
to feed the current
I offer you my body
to feed the tide
I offer you my heart
to feed the calm
I offer you my stomach
to feed the rage
I offer you my struggles
to feed the wisdom
I offer you my mind
to feed the rocks
I offer you my pain
to feed the depths
I offer you my love
to feed the whole
I offer you my sleep
to feed the rest
I offer you my eyes
to feed the salt
I offer you my hands
to feed the want
I offer you my feet
to feed the path
I offer you my ears
to feed the direction
I offer you my cold
to feed the warmth
I offer you my fear
to feed the patience
I offer you my throat
to feed the call
I offer you my tongue
to feed the silence
I offer you my anger
to feed the heat
I offer you my hips
to feed the sand
I offer you my hair
to feed the breeze
Crafted during the UOG Press Mañe’lon i Mantitige’ Writers Retreat in the magical songsong of Malesso’.
- Tags : guam, literature, megan taitague, micronesia, Poem, uogpress