Showing 13 - 24 of 69 result

The Island InSight: Memorias


The Island InSight series Book 4: Memorias Memorias features columns about faith, family and community. We reflect on traditional cultural practices, heritage celebrations, and memories of the significant people in...

The Island InSight: Educating Island Students from Book-Poor Homes


The Island InSight series Book 3: Educating Island Students from Book-Poor Homes Educating Island Students from Book-Poor Homes features columns which examine issues connected to academic performance among students who...

The Island InSight: Lina’la’ CHamoru


The Island InSight series Book 2: Lina’la’ CHamoru Lina’la’ CHamoru features columns about the taotao tåno’ or indigenous people of Guam. We examine how colonization, Americanization, and globalization have impacted...

The Island InSight: The Resiliency Quest


The Island InSight series Book 1: The Resiliency Quest The Resiliency Quest features columns that examine adversity and trauma. We offer best practices for overcoming setbacks, bouncing back, and building...

I Biåhen Kiko’ gi i Engkantåo na Gigipu na Såkman


Mafañågu si Frank Thomas (Kiko’) Freitas Guzman gi i diha 9 gi Måtso, Dos Mit Dies, lahen Mark Devin Palomo Guzman Sigundu grådu gui’ på’go gi i Mountlake Terrace Elementåriu...

Fanggái’ase’ – Conscious Living and Compassionate Eating, A Plant-based Cookbook & Guide for the Marianas


Fanggái’ase’ in CHamoru means to be compassionate. This cookbook was designed to promote compassionate eating practices and to help people in our community shop and eat mindfully, prioritizing the health...

The Properties of Perpetual Light


The Properties of Perpetual Light is an homage to the work of the activist-writer, which author Julian Aguon describes as “the work of bearing witness, wrestling with the questions of...

The Best Tracks on Guam, 4th Edition


The Best Tracks on Guam includes comprehensive hiking information for both beginning and experienced hikers, including how to prepare for hikes, health and safety information, cultural and environmental descriptions and...

CHamoru Legends: A Gathering of Stories


CHamoru Legends: A Gathering of Stories retells 12 CHamoru legends and includes personal reflections from author Teresita Lourdes Perez, unique illustrations for each legend by Guam artists, and versions of...

Lina’la’: Portraits of Life at Litekyan


Located at the northernmost tip of Guam, life at Litekyan, commonly known as Ritidian, can be traced back more than 3,500 years to the first people who called the beautiful...

Leadership Journal of Micronesia, Volume 1


The Leadership Journal of Micronesia features dynamic research and writing about hisotrical and contemporary leaders from Micronesia. LJM is published by the University of Guam's Department of Military Science in...

Kinalamten gi Pasifiku: Insights from Oceania


Kinalamten gi Pasifiku: Insights from Oceania is an anthology of prose, poetry and artwork featuring 40 contributors from across Oceania, who offer a contemporary and bold snapshot of life in...
Showing 13 - 0 of 69 result
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