A Borrowed Land
A Borrowed Land
Available for Pre-Order! “Peter Onedera shares his family story, but much more than that, our island’s story. This publication also reminds us that unattended wounds can fester, even 80 years...
University of Guam: Ina, Diskubre, Setbe
University of Guam: Ina, Diskubre, Setbe celebrates the dynamic role the University of Guam plays in the island and throughout Micronesia. This hardcover book captures the ways UOG lives its...
A Window Unobscured: Stories from Guahån Teachers
A Window Unobscured, published by Ta Tuge' Mo'na, reveals a glimpse inside the world of educators and a unique understanding of the profession as they experience it today. Through the...
I Mambiha na Tiempo
I Mambiha na Tiempo
“I Mambiha na Tiempo”was originally written by master CHamoru storyteller and Kåntan CHamorita singer Clotilde Castro Gould. CHamoru recording artist Johnny Sablan brought the song to life with new lyrics...
I Wonder Where the Yellow Went
“Kånta Babui” is a popular CHamoru song recorded by the late Mike Laguaña. It is a beloved kassi na kånta (teasing song) about a farmer’s extreme dedication to his pigs....
I Anonsio-Hu (My Declaration)
“I Anonsio-hu” is a CHamoru reggae song written by Pedro Blas. It represents a wave of CHamoru music committed to uplifting the CHamoru people and culture. The song title and...
Dr. Bernadita “Benit” Camacho-Dungca wrote the Inifresi in 1991. It became Guåhan’s official pledge in 1998. It is recited daily in schools, government meetings, and other public and private events....
Finu’ Chamorro for Beginners
Finu’ Chamorro for Beginners
AVAILABLE FOR PRE-ORDER Please allow 10-12 weeks for restocking and delivery. Finu’ Chamorro for Beginners offers comprehensive and practical lessons and language drills for anyone interested in becoming more confident...
breathe. journal
breathe. journal
The breathe. Journal is intended to be a space for safe expression and creativity. Breath life onto its pages with intention and care. Throughout the journal are lines of poetry...
Juanit tells the story of a girl of mixed ancestry who, after losing her mother at a young age, is uprooted from her home in Guam and moved to California...
Dies Påsu Para I Yahúlulo’ Gi Klas
Mås meggai para inayek-ñiha I estodiånte nu I gaige gi yahúlulo’ gi klas! Guåha siña inayek-ñiha i manoben nu i maneskuekuela: Taka’ i yaúlolo’ pat kontento ha’ nu i otdenåriu....
Winning the Future Through Education: One Step at A Time
This book represents the distillation of knowledge and the wisdom accumulated over decades of personal struggle, survival, single-minded persistence and ultimate success of one of America’s leading advocates for minority...
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